The Business Money Women Success Club

Welcome To

The Bahamas Chapter

EST. 07/08/22

it's time to Lead with ​confidence, Live with ​purpose & Manifest ​your dream life.

The B.M.W. Success Club is FAITH-​BASED highly affordable Leadership, ​Lifestyle & Luxury Networking ​Membership Club where like-minded ​women are COMMITTED to coming ​together to CONNECT, COLLABORATE, ​CELEBRATE & CULTIVATE the greatness ​on the inside of each other.

The Club is designed for enterprising

women who want to:

  • Be Economically Empowered, Educated, ​Enriched & Equipped with the skills and ​strategies to succeed in every area of their ​life
  • Stay relevant and on the cutting edge with ​the latest trends in the global marketplace
  • Reach their goals faster and live a more ​rewarding & fulfilling life.

Our Vision

The Vision of the Business Money Women Success Club is to grow a global ​community of empowered women who lead with confidence, live with ​purpose, and embrace luxury.

Our Mission

Our mission at the Business Money Women Success Club is to empower and inspire ​women to achieve unparalleled success in business and life. We are committed to ​connecting women with valuable networks, fostering collaborative environments, ​celebrating achievements, and cultivating the greatness within each member. ​Through our core values of connection, collaboration, celebration, and cultivation, we ​aim to create a supportive and dynamic community where women can thrive, grow, ​and lead with confidence and purpose.

Our Core Values

At the Business Money Women Success Club, our core values are to connect,collaborate, celebrate, and cultivate the greatness in women.

We are dedicated to:

  • Connecting: Building strong relationships and networks that support and uplift ​women in their professional and personal endeavors.
  • Collaborating: Working together to achieve shared goals, leveraging each other's ​strengths and resources to create impactful outcomes.
  • Celebrating: Recognizing and honoring the achievements and milestones of our ​members, fostering a culture of appreciation and motivation.
  • Cultivating Greatness: Nurturing the inherent potential within every woman, ​providing opportunities for growth, learning, and development to help them ​achieve their highest aspirations.

These values are fundamental to our mission of empowering women to succeed in ​business and life.

Our Pillars of Success

Leadership, Lifestyle, and Luxury

At the Business Money Women Success Club, we are guided by the principles of ​leadership, lifestyle, and luxury. These pillars shape our mission and define the ​experience we offer to our members:

  • Leadership: We cultivate strong leadership by empowering women to take ​initiative, inspire others, and drive change. Our programs and resources are ​designed to enhance leadership skills, foster confidence, and build a community ​of influential women leaders.
  • Lifestyle: We believe in the importance of a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. Our ​club promotes personal well-being, continuous learning, and holistic growth. We ​provide tools and opportunities for women to enrich their lives, achieve their ​goals, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
  • Luxury: We emphasize the value of luxury in providing high-quality experiences ​and resources. Our members enjoy access to exclusive events, premium services, ​and sophisticated environments that reflect their success and aspirations. We ​aim to elevate the standard of living and professional status of every member.

Together, these pillars support our commitment to connecting, collaborating, ​celebrating, and cultivating the greatness in women, enabling them to thrive in ​business and life.

Our Commitment

  • Operate in godly wisdom (Prov.4:7, James 3:13; Prov.3:13-14)
  • Operate with honesty and integrity (Prov.10:9; Prov.16:11; Is.33:15-16; Col.3:9-10)
  • Provide a very high-quality product or service (Gen.1:31; Prov.22:29; Mk.7:37)
  • Be just in my dealings with people (Col.4:1)
  • Be kind, considerate, caring and operate by the Fruit of the Spirit with all people ​associated with the business (Gal.5:22-24; John 13:34-35; Col.3:12-14; Eph.4:32)
  • Not be driven by greed, pride or covetousness (Lk.12:15; Col.3:5; Phil.2:2-9)
  • Not horde riches and wealth, but would distribute as God desires (Matt.6:19-21)
  • Be equitable in the wages paid to my employees (Lev.19:13; Deut.24:14-15; Mal.3:5)
  • Handle conflict in a godly manner (Matt.5:44-47; Roms.12:17-21; Phil.2:14; Col.3:13-14)
  • Be led by the Spirit of God rather than by my emotions or intellect (Rom8:14; ​Ps.37:23)
  • Be generous (Prov.22:9; Prov.11:24)
  • Be diligent, faithful and responsible worker (Prov.12:24; Prov.21:5; Eph.4:28; Col.3:23)
  • Be a servant leader with a team spirit (Matt.20:25-28)
  • Bear up my fellow Powerhouse sister in love, compassion, understanding, wisdom, ​prayer and constructive correction when struggling and dealing with weaknesses.
  • Offer practical assistance and support to other Powerhouses as they pursue their ​dreams.
  • Offer discounts to other members of the BMW Success Club
  • Patronize other Powerhouse sisters in their business and employment.
  • Support other Powerhouse sisters in their family life, career and other godly pursuits.
  • Offer inspiration and encouragement to hard-working sisters in the Lord.
  • Walk in integrity by exercising ethics, excellence & expertise in all areas of your life.
  • Be faithful in paying tithes.
  • Act in decency and in order in all matters of your personal life, business and career.
  • Remember that I made in God's image and likeness and that I am fearfully and ​wonderfully made, thus, I will physically present myself as such.
  • Attend and participate in virtual and in person meetings as often as I can.
  • Pay my subscription fees in a timely manner, failure to do so for 2 months or more ​will cause my membership to be paused and/or eventually cancelled without notice ​to me.
  • Read and discuss recommended readings.
  • Participate in community outreaches.

About the Founder

Dr. Melisa A. Hall, LLB. LLM, MICA

Wife & Mother -Ordained Minister-

Women's Leadership Expert-World class Coach, ​Trainer & Speaker-Attorney -Lifestyle ​Influencer & 2x Best Selling Author

A woman created to help women leaders fulfill purpose, ​unlock ther wealth potential, be productive & activate ​their greatness

  • The John Maxwell Team as an International Coach
  • The Jack Canfield Team as a Success Trainer
  • The Coaching Training Alliance as a Life Coach
  • Int'l Certified Financial Planner
  • Image & Etiquette & Color Consultant
  • Corporate & Commercial Attorney
  • Doctorate in Covenant Leadership (New Covenant ​University Florida
  • Leadership Mentorship from the Late Dr. Myles ​Munroe

Read more

What are the benefits of joining the BMW Success Club

  • Access to High level Monthly Coaching, Courses & Connections ​to help you advance professionally & personally to develop an ​abundance mindset.
  • Opportunities to network locally and globally with other like ​minded women of affluence and influence to help you grow ​your network and networth.
  • Mentorship to help you reach your goals faster and accelerate ​your success
  • Training on Leadership & Business Skills to help you launch and ​grow your business .
  • Learn Confidence Building, Public Speaking Skills, Image, ​Business Etiquette, Sales, Marketing & Branding Skills, and ​opportunities to learn how to create products that you can sell.
  • Attend luxe conferences, events, spa dates, fine dining and ​travel opportunities.
  • Be featured in the BMW Magazine Cover & The Online BMW TV ​Show once launched.
  • Access to Business Directory to receive discounts from ​members.

  • You will also learn how to:
  • Turn your passion into profit
  • Become an accomplished author (Click HERE to see the #1 Amazon Best ​Selling Anthology created by members of the Club)
  • Attract, create, manage and protect your wealth
  • Create multiple streams of income passive, residual and digital wealth
  • Be more productive by creating a life you love, managing your success at ​work, and increasing your happiness at home.
  • Keep up to date with the latest trends on fashion and lifestyle
  • Gain access to resources and opportunities for seed capital to those who ​need assistance to get started in business.
  • Unlock Speaking Opportunities to promote yourself and your brand.
  • Gain support to market and promote your personal brand and/or business.

Become An Acoomplished Author





Rev. Orm0nique Joffre

cEO Of Uniques Beauty Salon & ​Asst. Pastor at Pinewood ​Garden ministries Nassau, ​Bahamas

Thank God for the BMW Success club ​and Dr. Melisa Hall. I'm so proud to be a ​member of one of the most motivating, ​celebratory and women’s empowerment ​club in the Bahamas. I'm looking forward ​for this club to grow from glory to glory.

NADINE LOWE aka Millionairess

President & Owner of Endless Dream Vacation club, The Bahamas

I am the first woman in the region to own and ​operate a Vacation Club of this magnitude. ​Having achieved that level of unprecedented ​success pales in comparison to my affiliation ​with The BMW Success Club and my spiritual ​connection with my covenant sister Dr. Melisa ​Hall who is anointed and appointed to usher ​women into their God given purpose and ​destiny . As busy as I am with many ​assignments, I rarely miss an opportunity to be ​apart of all of the sessions ,whether it’s in ​person or virtual. I can say in every session ​there are so many take aways that has ​changed the trajectory of my life personally and ​professionally.



Sometimes you don’t know you need ​something until you have found it. These ​are the sentiments I share for the Business ​Money Woman Success Club. A club that ​truly I didn't find, but one that found me. Joining the Business Money Woman ​Success Club has been an incredible ​blessing, providing me with the support ​and resources needed for my holistic ​growth. The valuable lessons from this ​remarkable community empowers me to ​navigate my journey towards wealth and ​success, allowing me to apply each nugget, ​strategy, and plan to the fulfillment of my ​purpose in life. I am truly grateful for the ​invaluable connections and insights that ​have transformed my personal and ​professional life. This club has been my ​space where I have found my Destiny ​helpers, Divine connections and women ​who value the passionate pursuit of ​knowing their worth.

I may not drive a BMW (lol), but I am a part ​of a club just as luxurious that stands TOP ​OF THE LINE as it relates to mentoring and ​coaching. One, that helps me to, as my ​brand suggests, AIM HER, in the right ​direction.

Raquel Brown

Event Hostess & licensed ​cosme​toligist

Since I've joined this club, I feel so ​elevated and more motivated each day. I'm ​so ready for the next level each time we ​meet with our coach Dr.Malisa Hall, who ​has helped pushed me and still is making ​sure that I be a great successful woman in ​business. I'm glad that I made the choice ​to join this phenomenal club, I'm thankful ​to God who ordered my footsteps to sit ​under this powerful WOG/Coach, to learn ​how to grow my wealth, thank you ​Dr.Melisa Hall for seeing and pulling out the ​best in me.

Evane Bascombe

Banking Professional

The Business Money Woman Success Club ​under the leadership of Dr. Melisa Hall has ​been instrumental in pushing me to the ​next level. The club pulled out of me ​unused potential. I was pushed to set a ​goal and a timeline to accomplish it. It's a ​club where no woman is left behind. ​Everyone is given an accountability partner ​to ensure you keep on track with goals set. ​It's a phenomenal club that I would ​encourage women looking to better ​themselves to join.. It keeps you involved ​and is truly exciting.

kimberlene roberts

2x Best Selling author & ​Insurance Sales person

Being part of the BMW Success empowerment ​group has been a transformative experience ​for me. The support, encouragement, and ​shared wisdom from Dr. Hall and my fellow ​Powerhouses have not only reinforced my ​confidence but also inspired me to pursue my ​goals with renewed vigor. The sense of ​community and shared purpose has been ​invaluable, nurturing personal growth and a ​deeper understanding of our collective ​strength while networking. This group has truly ​empowered me to become the best version of ​myself.

Gia Simone Rolle

CEO of The CatWalk Boutique Company Ltd Nassau, Bahamas

The BMW Success Club has motivated ​me to operate my business and life in ​Excellence and to strive to be the best ​business woman that God has ordained ​me to be.

NAiroshee roberts

serial Entrepreneur

The BMW Success Club has been a game ​changer for me! It has certainly elevated my ​confidence, knowledge and skills to a new level! ​The initial investment made does not do justice ​to the wealth of knowledge, resources and ​networking opportunities we are able to access! ​It has been a phenomenal year of learning and ​growth for me!

participate in high level ​Coaching & Training

Mrs. Latina M. Ro​lle

Dr. Hall’s leadership training has ​forced me into a paradigm shift

that changed the way I do ​business. The lessons learnt during ​her trainings caused me to move ​from local to global thinking ​causing me to pivot into million ​dollar moves.

CEO & President of the ​Universal Group of Companies

samantha babbs

certified public accountant

I learn so much valuable information ​being apart of the BMW club that ​helps me to grow personally and ​professionally. I am truly inspired by ​the many ladies in the group and the ​great networking with them !

Roxann Shawsmith

The Polished Leader masterclass presented ​with the Queen of Empowerment herself Dr. ​Melissa Hall was one presented with depth, ​clarity and confidence as she delved into the ​intricacies of how to position yourself as a ​leader. This class was helpful not just for ​leaders who wanted to become more ​polished but without any reservations it will ​prepare anyone to be confident, graceful , ​navigate difficult conversations and how to ​work or command any room. Dr. Melisa left ​everyone with a greater depth of having a ​growth mindset, ready for expansion and ​prepared for opportunities that don't even ​exist as yet. Of course it wouldn't be ​complete without the declarations spoken ​over everyone in the room. Thank you Dr. ​Melisa Hall for this opportunity to be spoken ​into and preparing us to be poised and ​kingdom leaders in our respective fields. ​Blessings to you always!!

CEO & Founder of The Limitless

Nurse International LLC

Candice Cox

Nu​rse Professional

My name is Candice and I am a nurse , new ​to a leadership role . I signed up for Dr. Hall’s ​leadership masterclass which wa​s spectacular and destiny altering . Dr Ha​ll personifies a poised leader and she taug​ht practical strategic principles , provided​ a blueprint to lead with grace and usher ​in the next level of greatness. After h​er training I quickly developed the confiden​ce to step into my role with grace and sta​nd out with the knowledge gained . I high​ly recommend Dr Hall’s trainings only if y​ou are ready for excellence, greatness a​nd elevation​ .

Apostle Sheriyln fletcher

Senior Pastor at Life ​changers ​outreach church

Participating in the Polished Leader ​Training training was truly a ​transformative journey for me. The ​Masterclass covered crucial topics that ​are beneficial for both aspiring ​businesswomen and those looking to ​enhance their skills in the field. One ​particular session that stood out to me ​was on networking, which can often ​feel daunting when meeting new ​people. Dr. Melisa's presentation in this ​area instilled in me a newfound sense of ​confidence, showing me that I can ​connect with incredible women from all ​corners of the world with assurance."

D​r. Deneil knowles

Me​dical Physcian

I made the decision to enroll in Dr. ​Melisa Hall’s E.levate Your Influence ​master class for several reasons. I ​needed to invest in myself, show up ​for myself and elevate myself to be ​more influential during this chapter ​of my life. This class has profoundly ​stimulated a positive awareness of ​self and personal growth! Dr. Melisa ​Hall is definitely anointed and ​passionate about encouraging, ​training and leading women to ​discover and live in their super ​power!

chynella cunningham

CEO of Aleph Administrative ​and Production Services.

For the first time since starting my ​business, I feel empowered to be ​intentional in executing my craft and ​expertise. The classes and instruction ​from Dr. Melisa Hall’s Elevate Your ​Influence Masterclass, have ​encouraged and affirmed my ability to ​heighten my impact in my business. ​Through these classes, I learnt how to ​cultivate winning strategies. I ​wholeheartedly endorse this ​Masterclass and I know it will be benefic​ial to all women who aim to “Elevate​ Their Infl​u​ence”.

Gia Moxey-Lockhart​

Counsel & Attorney

M​oxey Law Chambers

The Elevate Your Influence ​Masterclass for Women with Dr. ​Melisa Hall were concise power ​packed classes that proved ​Informative and Insightful.

Each Session encouraged ​Introspection, Evaluation and ​Ultimate Transformation.

Par Excellence!

pastor juanita Mckenzie

Rhema kingdom ministries

exuma, bahamas

The Time-Saving Tips & Trips with ​CHATGPT training was phenonmenal. ​This training inspired me to think ​outside the box and color outside the ​lines in my communication skills and ​presentations, a must do traininig for ​every busy woman. I can't wait to use ​CHATGPT moving moving forward, ​definitely a game changer! Thank you ​Dr Melisa Hall

Valentina nairn


I became a member of the BMW CLUB ​in 2022 and it has been an awesome ​experience that made a positive ​impact in my life and my business. I ​am so bless to be apart of this ​sisterhood of successful business ​women under the leadership of Dr. ​Melisa Hall. Not only does BMW ​empowers you to become a ​successful woman of wealth, we are ​also motivated spiritually, socially and ​physically as we build our brand to ​positively impact our lives, our families ​and our communities. I was so ​honored to have the BMW Club jump ​start my business by sowing in to my ​vision. Thank you! I share this success ​quote from Dr. Melisa Hall, "Your ​Network is your Networth." So come ​be apart of Business Money Women ​CLUB. Become a woman of wealth!

Christie cadet

Certified Life Coach, Justice of the peace for The Commonwealth of the Bahamas and The Founder and President for Woman of Worth Movement Inc.

"My experience in th BMW Success Club has been a rewarding one!

The club has helped me to gain more tools and strategies to grow and thrive as a kingdom woman. I 've also been able to connect with some amazing women for business opportunities and future collaborations. Dr Hall is an excellent coach and the day God connected us together, my life has changed for the better."

Pastor Lydia Bastian

CEO & Owner of Rivers baby day care Nassau, bahamas

Since I have joined the Business Money Women Success Club it has boost my business by 65%. I am always looking forward to our online and face to face sessions. Dr. Hall is nothing less than amazing in fact, she is super amazing. The anointing on her life helps to boost our businesses, mindsets and oiur spiritual lives as well. Her prophetic anointing unlocks the grace to carry the glory to empower women. Join us today!

How it works

training presentation icon

Virtual group ​coaching monthly

Minimal Lined Team in a Meeting


meet ups

Sale Tag Icon

discounts on ​courses & events

vIP Treatment

JOIN Today

For only $50 per month

Expert Team Vector Illustration

interviews & ​connections with ​industry experts


BMW Magazine Cover Features

Proverbs 31 Business Woman

JOIN Today

For only $50 per month

For More Information

Contact us:


Tel:( 242) 601-2546 or 17862190472

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The information provided on this website is for general informational purposes only. All information on the Site is provided in good faith, ​however, we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, ​availability, or completeness of any information on the Site.